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3 Things You Can Do To Change Your Life Today

(And They’re All Free!)


Tips to help unlock your radiance and build confidence

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A simple change—without a price tag—can be the first step to get you moving AND start improving your quality of life immediately.  Here are 3 free things that you can do today to change your life.

1. Choose one source of negative influence or energy to start removing from your life.

Make a firm decision to remove or at least reduce your exposure to someone or something that you feel drains you; brings negativity, drama, or stress into your life; or otherwise makes you feel bad or uneasy. Even just making this decision will relieve some of the burdens on your mind and energy. When you remove or at least reduce your exposure to that negative influence, it will change your life for the better.

2. Make a commitment to your self-care and do one self-restoring or self-supporting activity today. 

You have plenty of options here, so choose one that brings you a sense of joy or relief.  Some examples of options are: Taking some time to relax or have a nap, doing an activity that interests you or that you’re passionate about, engaging in a hobby that you enjoy, eliminating an unhealthy meal choice, drinking more water, or meditating for 10 minutes.  Giving yourself the gift of self-care will improve your health and sense of well-being.  You’ll look good, feel good, and increase your confidence.

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3 Things You Can Do To Change Your Life Today

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3. Carve out some time today to learn something new.

Learning something new really stimulates your brain, it gets it using areas that have been used less frequently, and gives the benefits of helping new neural pathways to open up.  It will also build your self-confidence.  You can learn something small or something big, or you can just get onto a path of continually learning things here and there.  What matters is the newness of what you learn.

You’ve got plenty of options for what to learn and how to learn it.  Just a few ideas: Learn the words to a song that you really like. Research a subject that you’re interested in or watch an educational program about something new to you on a channel like PBS, The History Channel, or the Discovery Channel.  A really fun thing to do is to learn a few words or beginner phrases in another language.  There are free language lessons online and even free apps for your phone that can help you learn in a fun way.  These examples are just the tip of the iceberg…There are tons of things out there that you can learn for free, so you’ll have no problem finding something.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today. Which one of these 3 things will you do first?

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Tips to help unlock your radiance and build confidence